growing a live fence for privacy

  • Four Benefits A Golf Course Mower Provides Farmers

    1 November 2017

    Even though you are a farmer first and everything else second, you still have to mow your lawn around the house. That is just one of those chores that cannot be left alone, or the weeds in the yard will spread to your fields. Yet, mowing is such a hassle when you have to contend with horseflies, chiggers, and other biting insects. Perhaps what you need is a golf course mower.

  • 3 Vital Things To Do Before Buying Your First Livestock

    10 July 2017

    Have you recently moved to a rural area and you're thinking about buying a horse, a cow, or some other livestock so that you can have a real farm experience? Would this be the first time that you've owned an animal that isn't a dog or a cat? While owning livestock can be a fun and rewarding experience, there is more work to it than you may have realized. Despite what ou can't simply purchase one of these animals and leave them to fend for themselves.

  • 4 Reasons Your Grass Isn't Growing

    5 January 2016

    Maybe you are one of those homeowners who dotes on your lawn like it's your baby. Or maybe you're one of the lucky ones who just has a nice lawn without really trying. Whichever type you are; it can be very disconcerting when you begin to notice brown patches in your lawn. It's best to take care of the problem quickly as whatever the problem is, it could soon destroy your entire lawn.

  • 3 Ways To Prepare Your Hog Houses For Winter Storms

    8 August 2015

    If you raise hogs on your farm, you might be worried about their well-being this winter. It's true that winter storms can have an impact on your hog houses and the livestock that live in them. However, taking a few preparation steps before the harsh weather hits can help you keep them safe. 1. Inspect and Repair Your Curtains The curtains on the sides of your hog houses are designed to help keep them warm when the temperatures plunge.